Friday, April 11, 2008

487 Kinds o' Tired

Has it been forever or what? FOR REAL, DAWG!!
I'm tired of feeling like I have something to prove. I'm tired of feeling like I have to 'look' a certain way. I am ME. I was born Melissa Marie. I often think that if I change my name, would my slate really be cleaned? The people that I care about would know, obviously...but I'd love to say, "No, you must be thinking of someone else. I did not go to school with you." Because you know what? If you weren't my friend then, when I needed you, then fk you now. There are people that I run into on Myspace and send "friend requests" and/or messages to, and ONE in particular did not respond. Their profile boasts that they are on Myspace to 'talk to people I care about.' Well you know what? I don't really care if you respond, it's not about that. It's a fking message just catching up on the last 10+ years. I'm not asking for a kidney. Plus, you've aged tons since high school and I'd be forced to ask you who you were if you responded back now just to be a dick.
You dont impress me. I dont care what you do for a living and what kind of car you drive or how many kids you have. The people that I want to share this stuff with, know that stuff about me. I LOVE giving what I get.
I actually told a coworker last week, "When you do **&%*#%&*#(%&*%&, it really pisses me off and is annoying, and I'm not the only one that thinks that." And they apologized, because they never realized that about themself. It felt good - not to be mean, but to say, "Hey you....FKING STOP!"
I am tired tired tired tired of my fking pity parties. I feel like my good friend Karee because I've said "fuck" about 38529058 times, but it feels so good to just get it out. Now I know why she does it.
I might just change my name and wear cool Chuck Taylors like Amy O. and I might just LIVE for once for ME and I dont care if you stare because it just means that there's something about me that YOU are lacking in yourself. Take a fking picture because I'm not going back to where I was.
Fuckin' A.


tat2girl said...

Fuckin A woman!! I gave up a long time ago worring about what people thought of me. Look at me now 9 tattoo's later. Just be yourself or find yourself. Either way I'm here for you in whatever journey life takes you! Love ya..Now lets go get you some Chucks!

Amy Murphy said...

hey chica! i like you for who you are, i think you are great. ive always envied your personality. if you want to be someone different, ya know someone who doesnt take people's shit, id be even more proud of you! im just curious who this punk was back from school?

tennilledpb said...

You don't have to change. We may not be the closest pals, but I still like you just the way you are. Changing would only give power to those assholes who made you think you need to change in the first place. Of course, if you want to change for the hell then ROCK ON!

By the way, I've always thought I just had a potty mouth. Now I realize that it does indeed feel good to let loose with the verbal spewage. Fuckin A!