Sunday, May 10, 2009

Monkey Sausage

It's Mothers Day!! I have received the best unexpected gift ever....My husband and both children are asleep!! HAHA!
I can't believe it has actually been over a year since I have talked to Debbie or Tony. (My mother and father.) I wish I had done this years ago, but apparently things happen exactly how they're supposed to happen, if that makes sense.
You can only put your hand in a mouse trap so many times before you get rid of the mouse trap entirely and deal with the trap wounds that are already there.
Write that down. LOL.
Something random here (imagine that) I have been having issues with my eyes off and on for the last year. I have been to my eye doc probably 6 times this past year because of eye infections in one or the other eye or both at the same time.
What is causing these infections is my eyes don't tear up anymore. A normal person's eye is refreshed each time they blink. He said my eye acts like it has Rain-X on it. I blink, and my tears just dissipate into a small ball on my eye. It's weird.
Anyway, I told Dan, "How fitting. I get rid of Debbie and now I can't cry anymore!"
I wanted to get a teardrop tattoo on my face but Dan said that means I have murdered somebody. Apparently he speaks 'Thug.'
Anyway, Happy Mothers Day to all the real mothers out there - to the women who step up to the plate when children's natural mothers cast them aside.
God Bless Bonnie Barr, Pam Shouse and Nora Crowe - you ladies hold a special place in my heart and don't even know it.

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