Monday, February 4, 2008

It's so early, and I'm so rambly!!

Potty training. Always the potty training! It's going really well, actually. My little baby boy is now officially wearing elmo and monster truck underpants. Awesome.

Now for some sexy news, I had two teeth pulled last Monday and I still feel like I've been hit in the cheek with a bag of charcoal. They gave me a prescription for Lortab which I don't need, but it's cool to have around if I ever get that bored. I also noticed that Lidocaine (the lovely numbing medicine where you feel like your face is sliding off into your lap) makes me ramble incessantly. I'm sure my dentist was thinking, "Once you shutup, this will go alot smoother." I even asked him if he'd ever heard the whole 'Dentist' bit from Bill Cosby's "Himself" routine. He hadn't! I thought that was a staple of Americana. "My face id on da flo!" I love it. I told him I'd drop off a CD copy. I'm cool like that.
They never want to talk to you until AFTER they inject you with numbing medicine. Why is this? I actually told him, "You'd probably understand me a whole lot better, say, 10 minutes ago." It was good times.

Anyway, about my previous post about the little baby.....I think I am being called to another career path. The obituary that made me hold my head in my hands and cry for that sweet baby was the last straw. I love my job, don't get me wrong. I don't know if it is because I am a mother myself now, or because I know what it is like to just 'exist' in a home where you're supposed to be loved and nurtured....or a mixture of both, but I don't know how much more I can be a witness to. When I admitted the baby, her lips and feet were blue. BLUE. She had respiratory issues. I asked the mother, "Is she feverish?" to which the mother replied, "I dunno, the doctor didn't tell me."
Not once was this baby picked up out of the carrier. There was no blanket. No socks. No hat. Nothing. It was 30 degrees outside.

I can't save the world but I hopefully can make a difference in some babies lives. Now if I only knew where I would be needed most.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry again to hear about the baby. Have you ever considered a career in CPS? There you could help children get out of rotten situations. I don't know just a thought. Hang in there girl! But in the long run you gotta find something where you will be happy..i'm currently struggling with that thought. It's just realy hard to give up the Toyota salary, they suck you in that way. But I too feel the need to find something different.
OH..on a different note..i'm getting more ink on my back tomorrow (wednesday), and gonna talk to the artist about another tat. Like I need more......but they make me happy.