Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt . . .

Coughing. Coughing. More coughing. Always the coughing! This year has been awful for colds, flu, pneumonia, you name it. I'm in a office I normally don't sit in today and took a cough drop from the drawer. (Praying to God that it's not an ABC cough drop.) So now I have the retchid "halls of medicine" breath. Yuck. I love Luden's cough drops. I don't think they have a lick of medicine in them. Ingredients: Yummy candy. It's just in our heads that it helps the cough. And they're millionaires!!! Bastards.

I had my first margarita on Sunday. Thanks, Amy!! HAHA! It was great. A lunch with just us girls to get away from our smelly husbands. I think we shall do that once a month!!! I noticed that even after one margarita I talk way louder than I should have. Our waitress, who I graduated school with, said "Mel, there's not a huge crowd here, you're talking waaay loud." Or something to that effect. Crap, I can't remember!
Graduate with your waitress + Margarita = Free margarita. WHOOHOOO!!!

I do NOT like salt with it though. GA-ROSS. Give me my 9 0z on the rocks and no salt, beotch! I love alcoholic lingo!! "My name is Mel, and I'm an alcoholic. Awe-sem."


tat2girl said...

I had and awesome time too...definantly have to do it more often!! Once a month sounds good to me!

Just Me said...

I just peed, but it if I hadn't, you made me laugh so hard I definitely would have peed my pants!