Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tammy WhyWhammy

I honestly think that I either have Tourette's....or are among the very few aliens left on this planet whose ancestors sang songs all day long. I have music going through my head constantly. Everything reminds me of a song. ("Always something there to remind meeeee.....") SEE??!!! Does this happen to you? It's worse than having a song in your head all day...this is constant. My husband swears I have a mental disorder because of this. Maybe he was from the "douchebag" planet. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Most people set high goals for themselves. Pay off their mortgage(s.) Go to Paris. Send their kids to Harvard. Me? I want to be a game show host. I'd love to bring "Press Your Luck" back....but have actual live animals instead of "whammies." Nothing rabid, just something scary (Google "Ugliest dog") and small with huge teeth. Nothing small and cute. Even though it's always the innocent ones that get you. (How could that fluffy bunny take my money? WHY????!!!!)

Tonight my kiddos are going with my in-laws (their grandparents) to the Shocklee family get-together. The kids are going because a) we're not and....well, that's it I guess.
It's funny, sometimes I feel like we watch our kids when the grandparents have to work. Otherwise, they're always with them. We're blessed. Seriously.

I'm getting really really really tired of being so hormonal. Really. I'm anxious to see what my Doc says about it being related to my Tubal that I had after Shelby was born - you can't tell me that it's not related to that. (Don't try to tell me right now, anyway. I'll sooo tell you off.)

'I was working as a waitress at a cocktail bar...' AAAAAAAAGGHHH!! Told you!!!

I am obsessed with the webstite Love it. If you are bored and have 20 hours to kill, I suggest you peruse it. That way, you can be a dork like me and say at dinner, "Did you know that Meatloaf is NOT the singers real name? It's Marvin!!"
I actually like Meatloaf. Not the food, the singer. He's 'spooky cool.' Especially since the lady who sings with him doesn't give her name. On his albums, she's listed as "Ms. Loud." How cool is that? Ok, probably not cool to you, but to me it's awe-sem.

I am off for now. Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the peanut butter that is always on the third shelf for some god-forsaken reason so I can never get to it when I need it.

Ball sweat,

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lyle Lovett is awesome

To my right is a full glass of Diet Pepsi. The dishes are done. Laundry is in the washer. One kid is asleep, the other watching a movie. We finally have a desk for our laptop which has removed it from the dresser. Life is awe-sem.

I am not a laptop person. I have mad typing skills, but on a laptop, "mad typing skills" is "ged ytingp killss." The mouse is a whole other story. I understand the don't have to travel with a bulky mouse with a cord. However, coming from someone who did lousy on the "hand/eye" part of the SKILLS test, the touchpad mouse is NOT my friend. Left-click-while-holding-down-the-touchpad-to-highlight-word-then-right-click-to-save-while-holding-left-leg-up-and-strumming-a-ukelele-with-the-right-big-toe-NO thanks.

Yes, I am old school. I just got an MP3 player. I still own cassettes. I hate change!!

I still have no idea what we're doing on New Years eve. I feel like a geek for continuously talking about it, but it's in my brain, therefore, you get to read about it. I know we'll just end up staying home, but maybe at the last minute we'll think of something super awesome.

I'd love to go somewhere with a hot tub. I haven't been in one of those since my honeymoon almost 4 years ago. (Note: ALMOST 4 years....and 2 kids. What are we thinking???!!!)

Question: For all of you out there who have had a tubal - did you notice any hormonal changes? I'm not talking about facial hair or a deep voice or anything like that...haha....just mood swings? I can't remember the last time I cried......but I get angry almost daily. If anybody has any tips (other than River Valley) I'd appreciate the suggestions.

I guess I shall close for now. My butt is almost numb.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Just say NO to Fruitcake


I hope everyone had a peachy holiday. Christmas with the little ones was awesome, Austin is just at that age where his imagination is hilarious....personally, I think he's the smartest baby ever, but I'm supposed to. (Even though he's totally smarter than any 2 year old you know.) HAHAHA. I got an MP3 player, which is totally awesome. I'm a music freak, so it's really cool to take it with me EVERYWHERE. (Who doesn't want to hear "Strokin" followed by "The Gambler?") MP3 = sweeeet.

I think the hospital puts crack in their no-bake cookies. Either that, or I'm a pig....because I think I have probably eaten 30 of them in 2 weeks. They are so good. In my world, they're good for you because it has oatmeal in it...which as we all know makes you poop. That is the coolest word ever.

I'm finally healing from my "just call me Grace" fall the other day. My face is back to normal (shutup) so that's refreshing. It's embarrassing admitting patients that can't answer your questions because they're too busy staring. It's like a lady that has a moustache or a big weird mole.....I'm horrible because I can't help but stare. "Yes, I was wondering if this was on mole? I mean, on sale! SALE!!" Moustachio'd women honestly scare me more. Why don't they realize this? If I ever resemble Sam Elliott, please let me know. (Google Sam Elliott, trust me.)

We're still deciding what to do on New Year's eve. I so want to start a tradition and have a party each year. Rent some DJ equipment and just play music, etc. That would be awe-sem.
"Mel's New Years Rockin' Eve." LOL. I should have it in the summer. "Mel's New Year's Rockin Summer's Eve." Or have it December 30th. "Mel's New Year's Rockin' Eve Eve."
Or the day after New Years Eve. "Mel's Belated New Years Rockin' Eve."
Ok, I'll stop.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

I broke my fall with my face

Hello all....
Welcome to my "If only I could find a way to share my useless ramblings with the universe!!" extravaganza site. I'll give you a minute to make this page a favorite.
I guess I'll start by sharing this lovely tale....while strolling in to work this morning, I oh-so-lacking-coordination fell on my rump on the lovely sidewalk. Wait, not my face. I didn't bust my butt, I literally scratched my nose, busted my lip, and have band-aids on two fingers from having chunks of them removed. (You're welcome.) The patients that I am admitting look better than I do. They must think, "That poor girl! Beaten by her husband!"

On to other ramblings....

Dan (my husband for those of you under a rock) and I have finally decided to go Christmas shopping today. It's early for us, you know, 3 days away and all, but we figured we better get a jump start on it before all the desktop dart boards and Newton's cradles are all gone.
I want a tattoo. It's been one of those things in the back of my mind for a long time now and since I now have children, (Austin 2, Shelby 3 months) it would be a cool tribute to them to get one. (Honoring them, obviously.) "See this snake with flames, Austin? You're welcome."

I can't wait for the American Idol auditions in January. That's really all I watch. Whatever happened to scooter girl? HEY! There's my tattoo!! "Scooter Girl 4EVR."

Anyhoo, I guess I'll close for now. The ham and cheese loaf isn't going to eat itself.
