Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Just say NO to Fruitcake


I hope everyone had a peachy holiday. Christmas with the little ones was awesome, Austin is just at that age where his imagination is hilarious....personally, I think he's the smartest baby ever, but I'm supposed to. (Even though he's totally smarter than any 2 year old you know.) HAHAHA. I got an MP3 player, which is totally awesome. I'm a music freak, so it's really cool to take it with me EVERYWHERE. (Who doesn't want to hear "Strokin" followed by "The Gambler?") MP3 = sweeeet.

I think the hospital puts crack in their no-bake cookies. Either that, or I'm a pig....because I think I have probably eaten 30 of them in 2 weeks. They are so good. In my world, they're good for you because it has oatmeal in it...which as we all know makes you poop. That is the coolest word ever.

I'm finally healing from my "just call me Grace" fall the other day. My face is back to normal (shutup) so that's refreshing. It's embarrassing admitting patients that can't answer your questions because they're too busy staring. It's like a lady that has a moustache or a big weird mole.....I'm horrible because I can't help but stare. "Yes, I was wondering if this was on mole? I mean, on sale! SALE!!" Moustachio'd women honestly scare me more. Why don't they realize this? If I ever resemble Sam Elliott, please let me know. (Google Sam Elliott, trust me.)

We're still deciding what to do on New Year's eve. I so want to start a tradition and have a party each year. Rent some DJ equipment and just play music, etc. That would be awe-sem.
"Mel's New Years Rockin' Eve." LOL. I should have it in the summer. "Mel's New Year's Rockin Summer's Eve." Or have it December 30th. "Mel's New Year's Rockin' Eve Eve."
Or the day after New Years Eve. "Mel's Belated New Years Rockin' Eve."
Ok, I'll stop.
