Sunday, February 24, 2008

I couldn't whistle for SH!T

It's late, I should be in bed, but my mind is going 1000 miles a minute. Shelby is getting so big, I know I'll turn around twice and she'll be running the house just like Austin is now.
Like the sexy news I posted a while back about my teef, right after the 10 gallons of lidocaine wore off, I could feel something in my gum that wasn't right. "Probably just a stitch or two" I thought, and went on my way. Well, here it is almost a month later, and my gum is MEGA SORE still from this "stitch." I finally (being the braniac I am) look in the mirror at it, touch it, and discover it's a piece of my TOOTH. STILL THERE. ALL LOOSE AND SHIT. Like it is when you were a kid and wanted to yank it out just so it would stop dangling by a tendon or whatever. Anyway, my MacGyver-ness kicked in. I was NOT going to call the dentist and pay $3905829085209.00 just for them to do the same thing I was about to do. I grabbed my tweezers, went in for the kill, and yanked the remaining bit out. I AM WOMAN!

You could hear from behind the door: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" and I hadn't even done anything yet. It was just a shard of a tooth, but still. Now, my gum is mega-mega sore, but I know now that it will heal, and all will be well.

Moral of the story: Use floss, people!

1 comment:

tat2girl said...

You are WOMAN!! Your ROCK!