Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bah-Gok! How do you spell the sound a chicken makes?

Chicken patties. I fixed chicken patties tonight and that even sends me into a sad state. They used to eat Banquet chicken patties ALL the time. Forgot about that until just now. The smell in the house, getting them out of the oven.....This is getting either very pathetic and sad, or just......I DONT KNOW. Am I the only person who, if one particular day they are feeling happy and all is right in the world, thinks to themselves, "Man, I wish I felt like this all the time..." or do people really feel 'that way' all the time? What will make this stop?
1. Get her out of your life. Check.
2. Get therapy to help sort this crap out. Check.
You think: Problem solved....but it isn't. Now, she's not there. She's not a worry. This woman that always has caused me drama (and everybody else in contact) is no longer a worry, and my husband thinks THAT is my problem. I don't have anybody or anything to worry about............except me.............and I am learning to deal with that.
Fine...something funny: Poopfarts.


tat2girl said...

Hang in there girl..It will take time but eventually it will get better I promise!
Love ya

Amy Murphy said...

whats up melba toast? i like ur blogs. check mine out:

i do totally know what you are saying about feeling happy at one moment then the next day can be overwhelming. id love to be able to be blissful, i think growing up in a chaotic home made me want happyiness all the time and i expected that but i know it cant exist, cuz life can be sad sometimes. the way you deal with the determines how great you are!