I think this whole blogging thing is a drug. It's pretty sad when my son pees in the floor, and I think, "OMG.....wait until I blog about THIS!" He stood in the kitchen today "Momma! I pee pee! I pee pee now!"
My son isn't a liar. He pee pee'd.
I tell you WAYYYY too much.
I seem to be developing a fan club....Missy at work will sit right next to me and say, "Type something on your blog...I'm bored!" When we could very easily strike up a convo right then and there. Women are funny like that. "Go to your office and I'll call you!" Call me? I'm right here!!!!
I was on myspace tonight looking at some pictures, and Dan was like, "Do women take their camera EVERYWHERE?" I don't know how many profiles I've seen where women are always in 3's with their heads real close, and the title is "GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!"
Fine, go out! Who gives a crap!
Deep down I'm just jealous. My nights are all about diapers and Apple Juice. And then there's the kids to take care of.
I think I need to get my eyes examined. Driving is not one of my strong points, but add darkness to the equation and you're asking for disaster. And what's with these bluish/white headlights now? Ugh. And why don't country roads have lines? NO lines in the road, and ditches on both sides. Ginger, THIS is why I never come to your house. I drove to a friends house in Utica once, had my license less than a week...when I got there, she was like, "What did you hit???!!!" because I had corn husks all in my R side hubcaps.
Me: (Panicking) "I didn't hit anything!! Which is shocking because of all the damn cows!! And who doesn't put stripes down the middle of the road? Where the hell am I??!!!"
Yep. And it was Utica, people. 20 minutes out of Owensboro. Tops.
I may suck at driving, but I'm not an idiot when it comes to parking. Whoever the Captain of the Dumbass Elite was that parked so close to me at Wal-Mart that I had to suck in so much I almost imploded....the maxi pad on your windshield was from ME!! Take that, jackass!
Something that annoys the crap out of my husband is that I'm a honker. Light turns green? *HONK!!* "GOOOOO!!!!" I'm also a flipper-offer. Yes, that IS a word.
And I do laugh at myself sometimes when I honk and wave at people I don't know. Mainly because they'll spend the next 5 minutes thinking, "Who the hell was that?" But you wave...you always do. The horn honks, your hand automatically goes up. Wave first, ask questions later. Never fails.
I haven't been up this late in a while. It's only 10:53 pm. Granted, I'm the ONLY one in the house up. I am finding out that after everybody goes to bed is MEL time. It hit me one day.....the house is quiet, Dan isn't on the PC...I could actually read the paper online in peace!!!!
*Insert Hallelujah! choir here*
Take care losers. I'm outie.
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