Hope everyone had a great New Year....blah blah blah, same old crap everybody always says.
At 12:00 am this morning I was surrounded by family and friends, glass of champagne in my hand, singing "Aud Lang Syne" (not the Dan Fogelberg one, even though when it rains I often drive around with it on repeat).......ok wait, where was I? Anyway, to be honest, at midnight, there was no ball dropping at my house. (FREAK!!! I'm talking about Dick Clark! ACK! And not Dick Clarks balls!) Huhuhuhuhuhuuhuh....Dick's balls.
My point is, at midnight I was sound asleep. I think sometimes, "Man I miss the days of waiting up until midnight...." and then I remember that when I get drunk (usually after two drinks) I'm usually asleep by 7:30. What's there to miss? My friends taking care of me? A Journey song coming on the radio and me attempting to sing it? I haven't heard "Hey Mel, let's go out tonight!" in forever from my friends because they KNOW. They KNOW.
I also realized how old I really am. I got a text message at 2:15 this morning from a co-worker..."HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS!!!" and I wanted to kill her. All I could think was, "Damn Kids!!" I'm glad I'm approachable, don't get me wrong, but good lord.
As far as the hormone issue I've been blabbing about....I know that it made no sense for it to be related to the tubal, but that's all I had to go on. After Austin's birth in '05 I had some baby blues that lasted a while, but not like this. This isn't baby blues. This is You: "Hey Mel, how's it going?" Me: "DIE ASSHOLE!!" Something has got to give.
I don't like feeling this way. My favorite quote while seeking advice: "Maybe it's not your hormones. Maybe you're just a bitch." Awesem.
You know what annoys me? When an ambulance goes by and someone either says:
"There goes the meat wagon!!!" or "I need a bam-ba-lance!"
Oh, and velvet. I cannot stand velvet. Or someone else drinking my milk. Gross.
I am off for the next three days. I love being off work, but I get cabin fever BAD. And quick. It sucks...being anal retentive about getting your kids out in cool weather (they'll get sick! Nooooo!!!) but then being prone to cabin fever. In my case, it's probably just A.D.D.
.....Oh look, a chicken!! LOL. I love that shirt. Have you seen it?
"They say I have A.D.D. but I disagree. Oh look, a chicken!!"
Dan almost bought it for me for Christmas one year. Why I just told you that, I have no idea.
Off for now. Must search the web for useless crap that I don't need.
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