I'm sitting here either super cool or the worst mother in the world. It's late, I should be in bed, but I feel awe-sem because I'm sitting at the PC with my earphones in jamming to my Ipod. Why the worst mom? Because my youngest is 5 feet from me, and I would have no clue if she was crying. My husband is asleep, there's NO way he would hear her...or a marching band right next to him for that matter.
Yeah yeah yeah, the Packers lost. It sucks. But how cool would it be if the Giants beat the Patriots??? Not likely, but Oh my!! I might actually do the happy dance!!!
I need to get a grip on my hormones bad. I should not want to rip a phone book in 1/2 just from someone interrupting me at work, but that's how bad it is. I hate, and I mean absolutely hate calling and talking to my OB's nurse to make an appointment. I was explaining to her my issues, and she says to me, "Honey, that's just life you're going through." and I said, "So, wanting to hang up on you right now is life?" Idiot. I think from now on when I go in there I'll just throw a donut and hope her fat ass runs and gets it to distract her while I'm trying to do my bid-ness.
I'm normally a happy, joking around person. Sometimes too much. I'd much rather you not talk to me at all anymore rather than say something to you that I don't mean. And that's not me.
It's like all of my faults are magnified x 1000.
This is the suckiest blog ever!!
Hang in there girl! By the way you are a GREAT MOM!!!!
Thank you - it means alot, chick.
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