Has it been forever or what? FOR REAL, DAWG!!
I'm tired of feeling like I have something to prove. I'm tired of feeling like I have to 'look' a certain way. I am ME. I was born Melissa Marie. I often think that if I change my name, would my slate really be cleaned? The people that I care about would know, obviously...but I'd love to say, "No, you must be thinking of someone else. I did not go to school with you." Because you know what? If you weren't my friend then, when I needed you, then fk you now. There are people that I run into on Myspace and send "friend requests" and/or messages to, and ONE in particular did not respond. Their profile boasts that they are on Myspace to 'talk to people I care about.' Well you know what? I don't really care if you respond, it's not about that. It's a fking message just catching up on the last 10+ years. I'm not asking for a kidney. Plus, you've aged tons since high school and I'd be forced to ask you who you were if you responded back now just to be a dick.
You dont impress me. I dont care what you do for a living and what kind of car you drive or how many kids you have. The people that I want to share this stuff with, know that stuff about me. I LOVE giving what I get.
I actually told a coworker last week, "When you do **&%*#%&*#(%&*%&, it really pisses me off and is annoying, and I'm not the only one that thinks that." And they apologized, because they never realized that about themself. It felt good - not to be mean, but to say, "Hey you....FKING STOP!"
I am tired tired tired tired of my fking pity parties. I feel like my good friend Karee because I've said "fuck" about 38529058 times, but it feels so good to just get it out. Now I know why she does it.
I might just change my name and wear cool Chuck Taylors like Amy O. and I might just LIVE for once for ME and I dont care if you stare because it just means that there's something about me that YOU are lacking in yourself. Take a fking picture because I'm not going back to where I was.
Fuckin' A.